Join Awaqi Family
Young Minds
to Succeed
We empower young people to invest in their future by providing them with tools and guidance to achieve a better future and bringing them closer to opportunities
Fire has long been depicted as one of the most important discoveries of human civilization. This discovery has been the catalyst for human development onto a road to innovate and discover more things. Fast forward to today, Ethiopia is one of the countries in Africa and the world with the youngest population, with over 65% of its population being younger than 30. Nevertheless, there is a huge skills and information gap amongst young people and to add to that, young people arenโt taking advantage of present opportunities.
Awaqi, a torchbearer as in the logo, aims to be the catalyst for the young people of Ethiopia, aiming to serve as a youth-centered online training and coaching platform focused on mindset, soft skills and information sharing. All with the end-goal of pushing the countryโs youth to take control of their futures by actively working on themselves to have an entrepreneurial mindset.
Our Services
Upskilling Youth
Reach out to and upskill youth on various topics such as mindset, soft skills and entrepreneurial skills
Developing Competencies
Provide short online courses and useful educational resources for young people to be easily available in one place
Sharing Information
Share various opportunities; and informative, inspirational, and educational content
Employment Linkages
Connect young job seekers with employers through internship and employment opportunities
Supporting Entrepreneurs
Tailored business advisory support for aspiring young entrepreneurs to start their own businesses
Reviews From Happy Followers
We have developed numerous educational and inspirational media contents that cover a range of topics. These contents have reached hundreds of thousands of viewers, and their feedback are overwhelmingly positive.ย
IT Engineer
Awaqi is a platform that mainly works on youth development and opens opportunities to learn courses and find jobs that help many of us out here. Also, their life skill training helps me a lot to interact with others in real life.
It is an excellent, up-to-date platform that helps you to develop a variety of skills. Keep it up guys๐๐ฝ
Awaqi is an awesome online platform for anyone who is interested in personal growth. I personally have benefited from the training opportunities they share, their educational videos, and their Qena Challenge, which was really awesome!
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The channel's commitment to helping us all grow and never miss an important opportunity (event) shows how caring and thoughtful the admins are.I personally admire awaqi's team. they are amazing. thank you!
Learn anywhere, anytime.
Learning on your own schedule in a format that works for you.Learn it! Love it! Share it!
Learn it! Love it! Share it!
Numbers Speak
We have reached and inspired over 3 million individuals through our educational and inspirational contents online.
Monthly Reach
Happy Trainees